Events in & around Camden

North Atlantic Blues Festival
July 11 & 12, 2015
Festival Hotline: 207-691-2248
Festival Location: Public Landing 275 Main St., Rockland, Maine
The North Atlantic Blues Festival is an annual two-day blues music festival featuring national blues performers and considered one of the most prestigious on the East Coast. In addition to all day live entertainment, the festival has vendors selling a wide array of food, drinks and crafts.

2015 Camden Windjammer Festival
Friday, September 4 - Sunday, September 6
Celebrate Camden’s maritime heritage and living traditions at the annual Camden Windjammer Festival. The fun continues all weekend with a lobster crate race, a Build-A-Boat contest, fish relay race, nautical skills, displays of maritime activities and history, Chowder Challenge, tours of the windjammers and fun for all.

11th Annual Camden International Film Festival
September 17 - 20, 2015
Join us in downtown Camden, Rockport and Rockland, Maine for a program that includes screenings of over seventy documentary features and shorts. The festival weekend also includes the recently expanded Points North Documentary Forum and a number of special events not to be missed!

Christmas by the Sea
First weekend in December
For more than 20 years, the seaside village of Camden has held a “Christmas by the Sea” festival each winter. The event has spread to include the people and businesses in the neighboring communities of Lincolnville and Rockport.
Stores open their doors and celebrate with holiday sales, and renowned restaurants offer dining specials. Festival goers enjoy the Christmas Parade, which travels through downtown Camden to Harbor Park, where it culminates with a Community Tree Lighting.

2016 Camden Conference
February 19 - 21. 2016
The 29th Annual Camden Conference, “The New Africa”, will be presented live from the Camden Opera House, and live-streamed to the Strand Theatre in Rockland.
The Camden Conference Program Committee will certainly have no shortage of issues to examine as it seeks to bring to Maine better understanding of this great but often beleaguered continent. We look forward to seeing you here next year to witness and learn from the results.

Camden Winterfest, 2016
January 30 - February 7, 2016
Camden's Winterfest gives you every reason to pack your bags early and make your trip to the US National Toboggan Championships into a Midcoast Maine vacation. Starting the weekend before the Nationals, downtown events such as concerts, performances, films and a dance near the harbor pack this fun-filled week that leads up to USNTC's celebration.
The fun competition draws 400+ teams and includes a chili and chowder challenge, music, tailgate parties, costume contest, souvenirs, and children’s activities.